Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Apa dia? Yahudi mahu orang Islam jadi Kafir?

This post is in response to the posting -

Yahudi mahu orang Islam jadi Kafir

Commenting was disabled for reasons known only to the owner. Maybe he is just not able to engage those who have different thoughts about this issue. But my first question will be, why include Malaysiakini in the Tags? Isn't this a shameful way of making use of Malaysiakini to gain traffic especially when the post has nothing to do with Malaysiakini? Kind of smart in spreading hate, don't you?

Updates 16.51
sigh....Very clever, Mr. Nik or Joe. You close your comment section in the morning of 2nd December 2008. I was still typing my comment when you did just that. Nevertheless, you maintain the post until around 16.30 before deleting the post. Nik, can I consider that act of cowardice? If you think you are wrong and cannot backup your own posting, then by all means apologise lor....why take off the article? No one is going to ISA you lar...
Next time, think thrice before spreading hate...and be a man to own up to your mistakes. To read the full article in Harakah - Click HERE


My comment....

My goodness, is this the writing of Hadi Awang, the president of Pas? If indeed it is, then my view of him as a close minded, bigoted and racist person has gain another bigger foothole. To criticise the Jews and christians to uphold Islam is stupidity. To say Islam is true by justifying the falseness of other Abrahamic religion is typical of Islamist like him....sigh,.....can't you all just grow up?

Islam existed half a century after Christianity. While Judaism much much earlier than that. As such, to say that the Jews refused to follow Islam is utter silly, knowing the fact that Islam does not exist in the first place. To say that all the Daud, Daniel, Musa and Nabi Nor as muslims shows so much ignorance in the part of Islamist.

While Judaism is strictly for Jews, Christianity and Islam practice no exclusitivity. Al-Quran is based on Taurat and Injil, that's for sure. And all of your (our) prophet (except for Muhd. ) are Jews and to say that the Jews are the problem of this world and inherently evil is terribly childish. It like saying the Malay are poor and needed NEP just because the Chinese are rich. You guys need some punching bag to cover your own weakness, don't you?

God choose Jews to demonstate his will on his people. Why Jews? Is it because they are more evil? Does God make some people more evil?

IF IT IS, then who shall be responsible for it? The created or the creator?

If it is NOT, then why should you be the judge to condemn them as evil?

Some people just cannot differentiate the state and government of Israel, with the Jews as a race and the Kingdom of Zion in the Holy books.

Aren't all of us the decendants of Adam and Eve? For God sake, think and read your quran intelligently. Don't let people like Hadi Awang brainwash you into hating other people. God don't hate humans, He loves us, whether you are Jews, Malays, Chinese or Orang Asli! Whatever sins the Jews committed, we could have commit as well. The Jews are merely God chosen ones to be example to us, both bad and the good ones.


9 anak ayam bother to comments:

Anonymous said...

i'm da first... are u jews.????

Anonymous said...

http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18150&Itemid=1 . click here

Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...

anon 4:48.

You think it's important for you to know if I am Jew or otherwise?

anon 4:53

Thanks for the link to full text. The owner has removed the post from his blog. Now we know what Hadi Awang is made up of. I wonder what will happen to PAS should he win the power struggle against Nik Aziz...

Panjangkanlah umur Tok Guru...

Anonymous said...

Kaki ayam,
While I respect ur opinion of saying God loves everyone, one thing you are forgetting is to judge other religion based on ur belief which I guess Christianity.

While ones belief is subject to oneself, but ur streotyping of other religion especially Islam is not correct, according to Islamic teaching.

Islam exist even before Adam was sent to earth. B4 torah, before bible. Islam is not centered around Mohammad (pbuh). Islam recognised all holy books before quran. Quran is just the last one, as a completion to the previous holy books.

To say that Haji Hadi try to spread hates among people is not wise decision. No one can be Jews as it is not a religion, its a race. Even if u believe in Torah, u still can be Jews as it can only be accepted if you mother is Jews.

That is why Islam disqualified Jews as they put their race above everything else. Please read the religion history for details. Read from various religions points of view instead of one sided to be fair.

As you are an outsider and not Jews, I believe you shouldnt be over acted or furious about this matter.

Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...

Anon 5:12"While I respect ur opinion of saying God loves everyone, one thing you are forgetting is to judge other religion based on ur belief which I guess Christianity...."

I agree with you to a certain extent. My belief system are consciously or unconsciously influence by my professed religion. My belief is that God loves each and every of His creature and all of us are His beloved, yet rebellious child. I don't think Islam differs in this aspect, and I hope you could see that I am judging Hadi Awang, not Islam.

"...While ones belief is subject to oneself, but ur streotyping of other religion especially Islam is not correct, according to Islamic teaching..."

Like I said, I am not judging Islam. It's not the tree that I am looking at, just the fruit that comes forth from this tree. And from that article, it's nothing, but hate.

"...Islam exist even before Adam was sent to earth. B4 torah, before bible. Islam is not centered around Mohammad (pbuh). Islam recognised all holy books before quran. Quran is just the last one, as a completion to the previous holy books..."

Yeah, that's what all the religion in this world claim to be! To say anything less would be disastrous... To say that all the earlier version is corrupted while coming out with a new version that is so much similar to the earlier ones are so easy isn't it? Which holy books claim to be imperfect? Which holy claim that are not exclusive?

But do I care about all these? No... But when someone preaches hate on another, then such a person should be honoured with the highest condemnation.

"...To say that Haji Hadi try to spread hates among people is not wise decision. ..."

It doesn't have to. It's just a fact, unless it is not written by him. Otherwise, he is a divisive hate preacher. Nik Aziz and Dr. Asri never preaches this way, do they?

"...No one can be Jews as it is not a religion, its a race. Even if u believe in Torah, u still can be Jews as it can only be accepted if you mother is Jews..."

Can you see the point here? It's not about Jews, Malay or Chinese, my fren. It's about the hate that is propagated unnecessarily and irresponsibly. If they can hate the Jews for all the wrong reasons, what would stop them from doing the same to other groups of people? For example...Sky Kingdom?

Of course I understand Judaism is only exclusively for Jews. So what's your point here?...

"...That is why Islam disqualified Jews as they put their race above everything else. Please read the religion history for details. Read from various religions points of view instead of one sided to be fair..."

I don't care who disqualified what... but when an Islamic leader preaches hate against others unjustifiably from the point of view of religion, they can easily preaches hate against kafir like me! And I have the right to condemn him. I don't need religion history to tell me who or what I should hate. Cause for me, all are sinners, and decendants of Adam and Hawa.

By the way, if you are so well read, tell me, do you agree with Hadi Awang viewpoints? Why and how?

"...As you are an outsider and not Jews, ..."

Again the typical mentality of muslims. Is that the best you could come out with just to shut others

amoker said...

Chicken feet,
I manage to give my comment to the same posting and was not sure if it is published. Anyway, keep doing a good job in what you are doing.

I am however interested in the statment that Islam existed prior to Torah. Give me a surah..

Anyway, to share the Christians's perspective.

John 1: 10-14

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent,[c] nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,[d] who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...

hi amoker, thanks for commenting.

"...I am however interested in the statment that Islam existed prior to Torah. Give me a surah...."

fren, i donno ler...but I do know that the quran consider Adam and Eve and all the prophets as muslims.

while i find that to be,...ehem ....ridiculous, this is a view which they hold, and a clever one too...you will be surprised that for all the islamic history which most muslims and students study nowadays, they actually present the religion as if Judaism and Christianity are non-existent or branch out of Islam...

i guess for people outside the faith of Islam, we would find that self serving, while for those within the faith, they consider such a viewpoint comforting.

i once ask my fren what would you do if you see a Jew? She said under the obligation of her religion, she should kill the Jew. Or course, I further ask her why and what has the Jew done to her personally, etc, etc...

but that pushes her to be defensive. I guess the reason for muslims to be so emotional and defensive nowadays is not the increase of attacks to the religion, rather, the inability for them to engage those who question and criticise them for their belief.

they think religion is something to steadfastly belief in unquestionably, rules to follow, ritual to be practised and verses to be memorised.

while I do agree that all those above is important, another important aspect is to think, sometimes critically of what you belief in.

but then again, what's the point of thinking when the choice is not there? it will be a waste of time and energy thinking about something which is set on stone.

Dave said...

although judaism today may be ethnocentric, it was not so in the torah or what muslims call kitab taurat. According to the Old Testament, non-Jews have been blessed and incorporated into the covenant people of God when they turn from sin and follow Yahweh.

Examples such as Ruth, Rahab etc are some of the more famous names.

Chicken Feet aka KaKiaYam said...

"...Examples such as Ruth, Rahab etc are some of the more famous names..."

Hey, i heard those names before...!

( from such an exclamation...you now know my level of Bible knowledge.. whoa hahaha )

But bro, were they classified as second class Jews ?