Brother Wong Chun Wai, aren't you ashame of yourself to let the paper be used as a propaganda tool by the government of the day? What is wrong with you? Is money, fame and influence so important for you? Not only is The Star now an advertisement tool, it has now become a tool for the powerful and influential. Don't you have any integrity left? The Star is always pro-BN, but never would I thought that you will stoop so low.
Read this in it's entirety.
Voting at age 104
MARANG: Osman Abdul Rahman is 104 and has faithfully exercised his right to vote since the country’s first general election. Married 11 times but with no children, Osman is a voter in the “hot” Ru Rendang state seat in the Marang parliamentary constituency. His incumbent Yang Berhormat is none other than PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Yesterday, Barisan Nasional’s candidate for the seat, newcomer Razali Idris visited Osman to seek his support for the March 8 polls. When Razali showed Osman his poster and asked if he recognised the person, the latter said with a straight face: “Mu lah! (It is you!) Tapi saya come lagi, dok? (But I am more good looking, right?)”.
Despite his age, Osman lives alone but his adopted daughter Senek Ismail and her family live nearby and they attend to his daily needs. “Of course I will go and vote. I have been doing so every time,” he said.
When asked whom he would vote for, the centenarian said: “Dacing lah! Hok mano lagi? (The weighing scale! What else?)”
1 anak ayam bother to comments:
i feel like puking the way Wong Chun Fai writes nowadays. seriously, i don't even bother rebutting because it is pure nonsense.
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