Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Body still not at 100%

Sigh, it's an hour away before Christmas. I still can feel that I have yet to fully recover from the flu and fever. While flu and fever are common experience (who never suffer from it before occasionally..?), somehow the flu and fever that I experience this time seems a bit different. For example, the fever never really subsided until the 4th day after medication. Another factor is the high temperature of my fever. A few weeks before the fever, i have plenty of phlegm that mixes with fresh blood. That goes on for a few days. Every now and then, I still find some dried blood inside my nostrils. Around those time too, I have such severe body/back ache that I have to take leave to stay at home.

Is my body too 'heaty'? What is wrong with me? Is my hyperthyroidism coming back?

Whatever it is, the time has come to take good care of my body. I should seriously limit the amount of fried stuff that I consume, banana leaf rice, junk food and other heaty food like chocolates. I cannot afford another episode like last time where I lost everything just because of my over confidence and ignorance.

By the way, my car now is in the Perodua workshop after ramming into a D'Kayu restaurant lorry near my house. Whose fault it is? well...let just say that I drive at a slightly higher speed on that day and that Indian driver didn't stop at the 'T' junction. What an eventful week....

1 anak ayam bother to comments:

drizad said...

wow... that accident looks nasty...